Online Certification

Getting Started | Part 2

We are so excited for you to get started with the online Habit Extension Method training! Before getting started we will need you to do a couple of things! 

Here is a video from our Director of Education to walk you through the process.

The class is about to start. I want to share with you a few things you need to know to get started watching the course videos.


  1. When you login to your account we manually assign a mentor to you. Once you are assigned a mentor you will see a “Mentor” button at the top of the navigation. So if you are on a desktop you will see it on the top of the page. If you are on mobile or tablet you will need to click the 3 lines at the top right to open up the navigation.


  2. Most videos have an assignment that coordinates with what you just learned. Follow the directions to complete the assignment and then you will submit the assignment to your mentor through the Haircation Chat App that you installed on your phone. You do not have to wait for the mentor to approve an assignment before moving to the next video. However if you finish the entire weeks worth of videos and assignments you cannot move forward until the next week. If this is the case and you have extra time between weeks PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.


  3. All the weekly live videos will be hosted via zoom. I recommend creating your own Zoom account or downloading the app on your phone. At the end of each week is when your mentor will go live. SO for example, if your class starts on May 11th, your mentor will go live either on the 17th or 18th. (Sundays or Mondays. Days depend on your mentor) They will tell you the day they are going live. Here you will be able to talk to your mentor and ask them questions. To join these lives all you need to do is go to your mentor page and click on “Go To Live Room” and this will automatically open zoom.


If you have any questions. Please feel free to reach out to us (the Haircation team) through the chat bubble at the bottom right hand corner of the Haircation website.